say goodbye to lumpy legs

Getting active is vital. But part of the problem with trying to disperse a toughened up layer of cellular debris on your thighs and backside is that there's not much blood circulation through it.

If you exercise, you won't target t fitflops udsalg he right bits unless, claim the people behind Hypoxi, you cycle in their vacuum pod which draws blood up to the surface, to get at that resistant layer.

Sounds weird, feels weird, but I did a whole course and lost proportionately more centimetres from the thighs and backside than my upper body. Result.

Alternatively, exercise wearing MBT trainers or, cheaper, FitFlops, or you could try Powerplate vibration training, all of which claim cellulite busting, bottom firming benefits.

Do they w fitflop ork? I'm not convinced that any of them "break down stubborn fat cells" but if they encourage you to watch what you eat, exercise a bit more, drink loads of water and massage your legs firmly, daily, they can certainly improve the look of the skin's surface.

By giving your thighs a continuous micromassage (you need to wear them for at least four hours a day, for eight weeks, and they're jolly hot), they enhance circulation and improve the look of dimply bits.

I wore them diligently, encouraged when they dispersed a whopping bruise on my thigh within three days.

And? There was some i Fitflop Electra Danmark mprovement, though not in long established dimples at the top of my thighs.

Then Scala pants were launched (25 at John Lewis), made from yarn full of anti cellulite crystals.

Eek, had I spent months wearing the wrong cellulite pants? They're not so tight but they're much easier to wear. And as effective? I can't yet say.

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